Denkigai no Hon'ya-san ("The Electric Town's Bookstore") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Asato Mizu. It depicts slice of life stories about a group of characters who work in a fictional dōjin shop called Umanohone ( "the horse's bone"), a reference to the real-life dōjin shop Toranoana ( "the tiger's lair"). It began serialization in the July 2011 issue of Media Factory's Comic Flapper magazine. A drama CD was released in August 2013. An anime television series adaptation produced by Shin-Ei Animation began airing in October 2014.
Umanohone Bookstore (The full here)
- Hiotan
- Sensei
- Fu Girl
- Kameko
- Umio
- Kantoku
- Sommelier
- Manager
Denkigai no Hon'ya-san is written and illustrated by Asato Mizu. It began serialization in the July 2011 issue of Media Factory's Comic Flapper magazine. The first tankōbon volume was published on November 22, 2011. six volumes have been released as of December 21, 2013. Volume seven will be released on May 23, 2014. The manga is also published by Ever Glory Publishing in Taiwan.
Drama CD
A drama CD titled Denkigai no Hon'ya-san Drama CD: Umanohone no Hitobito, produced by Hobirecords, was released on August 5, 2013 and was limited to being sold in Comic Toranoana stores. The script was written by Asato Mizu and Chabō Higurashi.
An anime television series, produced by Shin-Ei Animation and directed by Masafumi Sato, began airing on October 2, 2014. The anime has been licensed by Pony Canyon's North American label Ponycan USA, and the series will be streamed on Crunchyroll the same day it premieres in Japan. The opening theme is "Kajirikake no Ringo" by Ayana Taketatsu, and the ending theme is "Two-Dimension's Love" by Denk!Girls (Natsumi Takamori, Minami Tsuda, Ayana Taketatsu, and Mai Aizawa).
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